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here is the calendar: calendar


go ahead. click on it.

also some sheep for your aesthetic pleasure

whether you're looking for help with research, languages, or procrastination, this is the place for you! go exploring! click everywhere.


nifty resources



the above link is one of the most comprehensive resource lists available to you filled with tons of free stuff (and you probably didn't even know about it until now!)  so go ahead, find out what you've been missing, the answer to all your problems, your panacea, awaits you.


trouble citing stuff? welcome to easybib.


teen reads










The Groovy Websites List (otherwise known as The Procrastination List or the "websites every human should experience at least once in their life" list. Prepare to be blown away.)


Note: Not in any particular order.


1) Play with sharks.

2) Rainy Mood

3) Welcome to Night Vale (start with ep 1, yo)

4) Silk

5) Neopets Hacks (y'know you want an online pet - is calling you)

6) Tonematrix

7) PJO 2048

8) Sheldon

9) Totally Spies Mall Brawl

10) Teen Titans Battle Blitz



Website and graphics designed by Raagini Chandra.

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